Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow and dumpsters

The other day I was in a building and I was on the 2nd floor. There was a large glass window that allowed me to see down below. This particular day there was snow falling, beautiful white snow. As I looked down I saw a dumpster and noticed how the snow covered the trash inside. I was praying and the Spirit was speaking to me and revealing that the trash is your past and it is not that it did not happen you did go down some wrong roads for sure. I personally have a dumpster filled with old trash memories of doing evil. The Lord revealed that the snow is like the Holy Spirit that he gives to all who call on his name. The snow covered the trash and now everything was beautiful. Jesus has covered my dirty past with His clean white snow. So it is if a person learns TVP at an early age then their dumpster will have A LOT less trash. We need to teach the Christian realm to recognize evil and stop at temptation that way their personal dumpsters will be filled with the beautiful snow. TVP learn it, live it, share it!

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